Top Newborn Must Haves - January List

Top Newborn Must Haves

Part of Our "Top 10 Things Parents Love Lists About" Series - A Fun (and helpful) Blog Series from Working Moms Realty

As we step into a brand new year, we're excited to welcome the tiniest newcomers who will soon grace our lives with their presence. With countless parents-to-be eagerly awaiting the arrival of their little bundles of joy, our hearts are brimming with the thrill of new beginnings. To celebrate, we're diving into the must-have items for newborns that promise to make this new year a memorable and joyous one. So, who among us has a due date on the horizon?

  • Dock a Tot - They call themselves the ultimate docking station for your baby, and it's so true!  From sleeping overnight to a portable around the house-baby-can-lay-anywhere spot, this soft and light basinet option for your baby makes life so much easier and keeps your baby snug!
  • Ollie Swaddle - The Ollie Swaddle was designed as a flexible 2-way swaddle with moisture-wicking material. In the newborn days, the Ollie helps keep your baby snug and cozy to reduce the startle reflex. As baby grows, you can safely transition baby to the next phase of development by moving one or both arms out of the swaddle.
  • Copper Pearl swaddle blankets - The Copper Pearl brand has expanded to include a wonderful array of baby and toddler products over the last couple of years. One of their first, and most tried and true, is the super soft swaddle blanket - Great for both the perfect swaddle or as an all-purpose receiving blanket.
  • Baby wearing wrap - Whether you are expecting your first or fifth baby (or anywhere in between) there's nothing sweeter than wearing your baby in a soft wrap, relishing the closeness of their sounds and scent against your chest. Baby wearing also frees up your hands for the multitude of things on your to-do list. There are many types and brands on the market, but the K'tan and Solly Baby brand are some of our favorites.
  • Rocking chair - A rocking chair in the nursery provides a comforting and soothing space, perfect for tender moments, around the clock feedings and late-night cuddles. Bonus if the chair rocks, reclines and swivels for multiple levels of comfort and use!
  • Blackout curtains - Most newborns start off with a reversed day and night sleep pattern.  This can be slowly adjusted by minimizing external light during night time sleeps and promoting brighter, sunnier sleeps during the day time. Blackout curtains will help you combat this mix-up and get your baby on track faster.
  • Activity mat - From the start, baby's development benefits from being able to move and explore their bodies and surroundings. An activity mat is a perfect spot to start this habit and grow their senses. You won't regret having an activity mat from day 1.
  • Baby swing - A baby swing offers a gentle and calming motion, providing a cozy haven where your newborn can relax and drift into peaceful slumber. If you will notice, lots of these must have items center around sleep and there's a reason for that - newborns, and parents, will take it any way they can get it!
  • Sound Machine - One more sleep related item on our list! A sound machine can be invaluable for a newborn by creating a consistent and soothing background noise, mimicking the familiar sounds of the womb. This gentle ambiance helps promote better sleep, ease fussiness, and create a comforting environment for the baby. Hatch is popular for in the nursery and they also offer a smaller one for on the go.
  • **The last suggestion for this "Must Haves" list is not a product but more of a parent hack of convenience. Streamline the diaper changing process by setting up some sort of changing station or area in multiple locations/levels of your home. Babies will fly through diapers, so it's always nice to have them in more places than one and within reach when those blowouts happen.

Remember, every baby is unique, and preferences may vary. While these items are commonly recommended, it's essential to adapt to your baby's specific needs and your family's lifestyle. Experienced parents often emphasize the importance of flexibility and finding what works best for both the baby and parents.

Don't forget to bookmark our Ultimate List of Lists blog post and watch our social media accounts as we build up this incredible resource of lists month-after-month.